Avoca Beach on the Central Coast features rocky headlands at each end of a long, golden beach. Popular as a holiday destination, especially for families, it has a vibrant surf culture and a relaxed and friendly ambience. There are lots of things to do, including fishing, beach walking, exploring the nearby parks and headlands, and simply relaxing in a quiet place.
The long stretch of beach is perfect for both novice and experienced surfers, and it's also ideal for recreational swimming. Feeling adventurous? Why not take a surfing class at the Central Coast Surf School or dive down to the site of the Ex-HMAS Adelaide, a former Australian warship that was deliberately sunk to create an artificial reef.
Next to the beach you'll find accommodation, cosmopolitan restaurants and shopping, while behind the beach lies tranquil Avoca Lake. Visit Aqua Fun on Avoca Lake to explore the waterways by kayak or pedal boat. With recreational facilities and bushwalking, it's popular with families. Nearby, Terrigal and Ettalong Beach are well worth a visit.
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